Carla Beryl McClure of Joyful Life Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine
Carla McClure is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Oriental Medicine Doctor and is a local practitioner of Chinese Medicine which includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet & nutrition, meditation and Chinese exercise such as Qi Gong and Tai Chi. In addition to seeing patients Carla teaches Qi Gong & Meditation Classes, and classes on Chinese medical theory and acupressure for anyone who wants to learn more. She is licensed to practice in California, Nevada and holds a National Diplomate Certifcation in Oriental Medicine from the NCCAOM.
Carla Currently has an office in Truckee, California and has worked at Sierra Acupuncture in Carson City and is currently looking for a Reno, Nv location to establish and Integrative Medicine & Healing center offering comprehensive health care & healing options and education.
She moved to the Tahoe area after college to be closer to nature and have the ability to work outdoors and have easy access to the mountains for play and for a more relaxed lifestyle than city living. After living there from 1992 to 2000 and working with State Parks doing environmental education and forest restoration she returned to the Bay Area 20001 to pursue her education in Holistic & Chinese Medicine
Carla graduated in 2009 from Five Branches University, with Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, with specialty Certificates in 5 Element Acupuncture and Eastern & Western Integrative Sports Medicine, Women’s Health and Pediatrics. She is currently research for her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine specializing in .Women’s Reproductive Health fertility, pregnancy, obstetrics and postpartum care. Carla is credentialed to practice Acupuncture at Tahoe Forest Hospital in Truckee, California.
She specializes in 5 Element Acupuncture which aligns body mind and spirit by focusing on emotional clearing and balancing. This ancient Taoist diagnostic system focuses on compassionate listening from the heart.
Carla helped to establish a clinic treating PTSD and associated symptoms for Veteran’s, and Active Duty Military personnel and their families, and specializes in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, and concussive head injuries with trauma to the brain using both ear & scalp acupuncture.
Carla also loves working with children, who respond particularly well to the energetic focus of Chinese Medical techniques such as Sho Ni Shin, Tui Na massage, herbs and light acupuncture.
Carla has 18 years experience specializing in sports massage for traumatic injuries, deep tissue, shiatsu, tui na and Applied Kinesiology muscle balancing technique; as well as Jin Shin Jytsu acupressure for stress release, relaxation and Qi flow balancing.
Carla has had great success in helping to relieve both acute and chronic pain incurred from car accidents, sports injuries, and surgeries such as hip and knee replacement, neck, shoulder and hip, tension and pain.
Carla has studied Western Herbology, diet and nutrition. She has had great success in helping people make positive dietary changes in their daily lives to benefit their health and well being. Chinese Medicine places primary emphasis on diet and dietary changes for all health conditions.
As an active athlete and coach of several sports she is very good at movement analysis and has helped athletes of all sports: including golf, surfing, swimming and skiing, improve their performance with muscle re-education in posture and movement. She remains active in swimming, rowing, Alpine Telemark & XC skiing Triathlon, road & mountain biking and backpacking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
Chinese medicine is system of health maintenance with a focus on “disease” prevention first and treatment if necessary. The idea is to keep oneself in an optimum state of physical, mental, emotional & spiritual well being so that illness cannot take hold, and the if it does to “expel” or correct it as soon as possible. It requires meditation and self awareness at all times so that you really get to know yourself, and can use food, herbs and Qi gong exercise to bring yourself back in balance.
Born from meditations and observations of early Daoists it is a way of living in health, rather our modern way of charging forward and dealing with minor discomforts later when they become major issues on our path.
Carla began her discovery of Asian healing arts while in college on the Rowing team at Cal Berkeley, she sustained an injury which the western sports doctors told her she would “just have to suffer the pain”. After 2 months of treatment with sports massage, chiropractic care & acupuncture she was pain free. She signed up at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley for the Applied Kinesiology/ Touch for health class and was introduced to the principles of Chinese Medicine. She continued her studies in Western Herbal medicine and later expanded her natural healing knowledge of western herbs & supplements under apprenticeship with 2 Holistic MD’s, who also practiced acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.