Discover Rising Tides Jeanne Gallagher discusses The Thriving Life Method™ with our guest Heather Stewart. Denise Stegall discusses Preserving the Nutrients in Food

How to Live a Thriving Life!

Today’s topic on Discover Rising Tides is How to Live a Thriving Life!

First, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. Today’s topic is: Preserving the Nutrients in Food

Jeanne Gallagher discusses The Thriving Life Method™ with our guest Heather Stewart, Founder of The Thriving Life Method™.

Heather Stewart is a dynamic force in the wellness world. Using her Thriving Life MethodTM framework she helps overwhelmed overachievers connect to their inner purpose so they can intentionally create a new roadmap to the life they were meant to live.

She is also the host of the Back to Me Podcast helping guide wellness your way.

Denise Stegall International best selling author of Healthy Living, Happy Life – A Practical path to finding a heathy lifestyle that works for you.

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