Maytee Dusseau

Maytee Dusseau M.S.Ed. is the CEO and Founder of Inspiring Your BEST Life, LLC. She is a Law of Attraction coach and speaker. Maytte helps her clients gain clarity on what they truly want out of life, increase their self-awareness, ditch old stories that no longer serve them, and redirect that energy toward creating and manifesting a life they love. Maytte teaches and guides her clients to leverage the principles of the Law of Attraction to live lives that are intentional and expansive. She has spent her career helping others improve their lives and now continues to serve by helping her clients to harness the power within. Maytte lives in the Tampa Bay area and enjoys the beach and being active on her bike or on the water. She loves her son Maximilian and her animals Nama and Simon. She is an active learner focused on improving her skills and knowledge. She lives the Law of Attraction!

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