Past Shows

Menopause & Hormones: What you need to know!

Menopause & Hormones: What you need to know! Today's topic is Menopause & Hormones: What you need to know! with Jeanne ...
Discover Rising Tides Jeanne Gallagher discusses The Thriving Life Method™ with our guest Heather Stewart. Denise Stegall discusses Preserving the Nutrients in Food

How to Live a Thriving Life!

How to Live a Thriving Life! Today’s topic on Discover Rising Tides is How to Live a Thriving Life! First, ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher interviews Denise Stegall CEO of on Mindfullness & Stress Management

Mindfulness & Stress Management

Mindfulness & Stress Management Today's topic is Mindfulness & Stress Management!t with Jeanne Gallagher and Denise Stegall International best selling ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher discusses Curing Alzheimer's Disease with our guest Anna Shelander, Curing Alzheimer's Disease Foundation. Denise discusses Nourshing Practices

Curing Alzheimer’s Disease.

Curing Alzheimer's Disease. Today’s topic on Discover Rising Tides is Curing Alzheimer's Disease. First, we start with our Healthy Living, ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher discusses Author Nation with guest Melody Owen. Denise Stegall discusses Inspired Choices of W-I-N

Author Nation

Discover Rising Tides discusses Author Nation. Author Nation is today’s topic on Discover Rising Tides. Jeanne Gallagher talks with founder ...
Host Jeanne Gallagher of Seaside Solutions and Co-host Denise Stegall, Healthy Living Coach, Curator of the and international best selling author discuss tips on Fall Wellness

Discover Rising Tides discusses Self Care!

Discover Rising Tides discusses Self Care! Self Care! is today's topic of discussion with Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher talks with Susan Otten, CEO of Indie Do Good about Appalachian Trail for Parkinson's Disease. Denise Stegall discusses Self care part in the living healthy segment

Appalachian Trail for Parkinsons Disease

Appalachian Trail for Parkinsons Disease is today's topic on Discover Rising Tides. Today's topic on Discover Rising Tides is Appalachian Trail ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher interviews Susan Shatzer on how to Raise your vibrational frequency to access a life you LOVE

Raise your vibrational frequency to access a life you LOVE

Raise your vibrational frequency to access a life you LOVE Today's topic is: Raise your vibrational frequency to access a life ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher discusses Small business HR resources with Katie Spadoro, PHR, Founder of CYB Human Resources, LLC. Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. This month's topic is: WIN-Whole Foods, Inspired Choices, Nourishing Practices

Small business HR resources

Small business HR resources Today's topic is: Small business HR resources on Discover Rising Tides. We start with our Healthy Living, ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher discusses STEM Learning Resources with Moni Signh, Founder of STEM FOr Kids. Denise Stegall. discusses Putting Your Pants on Later in Life

STEM Learning Resources

STEM Learning Resources Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. This month's topic is: Putting ...
How to Start your Professional Coaching business in days instead of months is todays topic with Jeanne Gallagher, Denise Stegall and guest Barbara Wainwright

How to Start your Professional Coaching business in days instead of months!

How to Start your Professional Coaching business in days instead of months Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy ...
Jeanne Gallagher and Denise Stegall interview guest Lauren Yellin Weinberg of Lasting Change Wellness on Dsicover Rising Tides

Lasting Change Wellness: Master Your Power, Uncover Your Confidence.

Lasting Change Wellness: Master Your Power, Uncover Your Confidence. Today, Jeanne Gallagher and Denise Stegall interview guest Lauren Yellin Weinberg ...
The Future of Medicine, Now…Clients as Partners in Healing with Jeanne Gallagher, Denise Stegall, Dr Kris Sargent

The Future of Medicine, Now…Clients as Partners in Healing

The Future of Medicine, Now...Clients as Partners in Healing Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with ...
Supporting Women Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners. Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. This month's topic is : Self Care Jeanne Gallagher talks with our guest Maxine Kozler, Executive Director at MCSC - Women's Business Center.

Supporting Women Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners

Supporting Women Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners Today our topic is Supporting Women Entrepreneurs & Small Business Owners, but we ...
Discover Rising Tides hosts Jeanne Gallagher interviews Courtney Farr of House Calls Mobile

House Calls Mobile bringing your medical provider to your home!

House Calls Mobile bringing your medical provider to your home! House Calls Mobile brings your medical provider to your home ...
Doscover Rising Tides guest Luann BUechler -founder of the Ihug movement talks with Jeanne Gallagher.

What is the IHug Movement?

What is the IHug Movement? Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall. This month's ...
Discover Rising Tides discusses Who Needs ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves? with Jeanne Gallagher and guest Dr Laura Catena

DRT discusses Veterinarian Mental Health

Discover Rising Tides discusses Veterinarian Mental Health Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall ...
Discover Rising Tides - Ali Johnson - Functional Nutritional Therapy - Jeanne Gallagher

Who Needs Functional Nutritional Therapy?

Discover Rising Tides discusses Who Needs Functional Nutritional Therapy? Discovering Rising Tides guest Ali Johnson is a Functional Nutritional Therapy ...
Discover Rising Tides discusses Who Needs ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves? with Jeanne Gallagher and guest Dr Laura Catena

Who Needs ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves?

Discover Rising Tides discusses Who needs ArmOR Hand Animal Handling Gloves? Discover Rising Tides guest Dr. Laura Catena is the ...
Discover Rising Tides - Energy Weaver Brooke Haynes - Jeanne Gallagher

Discover Rising Tides discusses Energy Weaving

Discover Rising Tides discusses Energy Weaving with Brooke Haynes Today's Discover Rising Tides topic: Energy Weaving  Today, we start with ...
Doscover Rising Tides guest Luann BUechler -founder of the Ihug movement talks with Jeanne Gallagher.

DRTides talks with Joyful Business Coach Luann Buechler

DRTides talks with Joyful Business Coach Luann Buechler Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise ...
Discover Rising Tides guest Amanda Curaza of Operation Surf discusses Channeling the Healing Powers of the Ocean for Veterans

DRTides discusses Channeling the Healing Powers of the Ocean for Veterans

Discover Rising Tides discusses Channeling the Healing Powers of the Ocean for Veterans Today, we start with our Healthy Living, ...
Discover Rising Tides guest ary Ann Brown discusses A Natural Side of Wellness with Jeanne Gallagher

A Natural Side of Wellness

Discover Rising Tides discusses A Natural Side of Wellness with Mary Ann Brown. Mary Ann Brown is the founder and ...
Discover Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher How to Say No without Guilt coach Cherrie Walston and Living Healthy List CUrator Denise Stegall

How to say No without feeling guilty!

Discover Rising Tides discusses How to say No without feeling guilty! Today, we start our discussion on How to say ...
Host Jeanne Gallagher of Seaside Solutions and Co-host Denise Stegall, Healthy Living Coach, Curator of the and international best selling author discuss tips on Fall Wellness

Fitness after 50!

Dsicover Rising Ties discusses Fitness after 50! Today, we start with our Healthy Living, Happy Life segment with Denise Stegall ...
Discover Rising Tides guest Deb Matlock of Wild Rhythms

Discover Rising Tides discusses Wild Rhythms

Discover Rising Tides discusses Wild Rhythms Discover Rising Tides guest Deb Matlock offers nature-based spiritual guidance work, animal communication, nature ...
Discover Rising Tides discusses To Pee or Not to Pee with Dr. Shelia Craig Whiteman DPT, CLT,CHC, Jeanne Gallagher and Denise Stegall of

Discover Rising Tides discusses To Pee or Not to Pee

Discover Rising Tides discusses To Pee or Not to Pee Discover Rising Tides guest Dr. Shelia Craig Whiteman DPT, CLT,CHC ...
Discovering Rising Tides host Jeanne Gallagher interviews guest Robin Gonzalez Decker, High Frequency Coach for Moms

Discover Rising Tides Discusses High frequency Coaching for Moms

Discover Rising Tides Discusses High frequency Coaching for Moms Discovering Guest Robin Gonzalez Decker, High Frequency Coach for Moms, has ...
Discover Rising Tides - Jill Foos Carnivore Coaching - Jeanne Gallagher

Discover Rising Tides discusses Carnivore Coaching & Healthy Living Leadership Habits

Discover Rising Tides discusses Carnivore Coaching & Healthy Living Leadership Habits of Successful Leaders Discover Rising Tides guest Jill Foos, ...
Discover Rising Tides hosts Jeanne Gallghaer nad Denisee Stegall discuss compassionate leadership with Kimberly Kuden

Discover Rising Tides Discusses Compassionate Leadership with Kimberly Kuden

Discover Rising Tides Discusses Compassionate Leadership with with Kimberly Kuden Compassionate Leadership is the topic of discussion with today's guest ...
Discover Rising Tides - Energy Weaver Brooke Haynes - Jeanne Gallagher

Discover Rising Tides discusses Energy Weaving

Discover Rising Tides discusses Energy Weaving Discovering Brooke Haynes - Brooke has coined herself as an Energy Weaver and works ...
Host Jeanne Gallagher of Seaside Solutions and Co-host Denise Stegall, Healthy Living Coach, Curator of the and international best selling author discuss tips on Fall Wellness

Discover Rising Tides Discusses Fall Wellness Tips

Discover Rising Tides Discusses Fall Wellness Tips Host Jeanne Gallagher of Seaside Solutions and Co-host Denise Stegall, Healthy Living Coach, ...